Neste blog compartiremos actividades feitas pol@s alumn@s e presentaremos ferramentas útiles que lles poidan axudar a reforzar o aprendido na clase. Tamén é outro xeito de comunicación coas familias, que terán aquí información dos traballos que realizamos nas clases de inglés e plástica.
viernes, 28 de octubre de 2022
lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022
Students made these crafts of haunted houses with black cats, very appropriate for Halloween time and they were inspired by the famous painting "Starry Night" by Van Gogh. They work with shapes, shadows and used different materials getting an awesome result! 👌
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022
The project of this school year is about pets!🐱🐰🐕🐠 Students will have the opportunity of learning and doing lots of projects and activities related to this topic. In the Art lesson they made these nice pop-up crafts with lots of different pets and also a poster with a message to remind us the importance of both reading books and having a pet:
"Raise your voice, books and pets are the best choice!"
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lunes, 10 de octubre de 2022
With a lovely presentation full of interesting facts about The Philippines, Zoila was able to catch the students' attention as well as motivating them to show curiosity and interest about this fascinating country.
We learned that this country consists of about 7,640 islands, that it has the smallest active volcano in the world. Also, we learned some words in filipino such as "Mabuhay" (welcome) and we were surprised when we found out that the days of the week from Monday to Friday are the same as in Spanish!
One of the things that we liked the most is the positive attitude that the Filipino people have when facing difficulites in life.
Thank you for this presentation, Zoila!
martes, 4 de octubre de 2022
This school year we are lucky to have Zoila Ulanday as our language assistant. She is a 24 year old young woman from The Philippines who has lots of things to teach us about her country. Also, she will help students to improve their linguistic competence in the English language with motivating activities.
We asked her to write a description about herself and here it is. Welcome to CEIP Outeiro das Penas, Zoila!
Hello there! I´m Alexandra Zoila D. Ulanday. Most of my childhood friends call me by the name Alex, but for its uniqueness, my friends in college changed my nickname to Zoila, which I also ended up using even now that I´m in Spain as a language assistant.
Few words that would summarize all of the things that I´ve indulged myself into through the years are creativity, music, and communication. Most of my life, I´ve been involved in activities and projects that stirs my constant desire to create things like producing and editing videos, doing photography, writing songs, reciting poems, and acting for theatre. Through these experiences, I was able share not just my thoughts, but most importantly, I was also able to tell stories of different people and moments that come into my life and have a bigger view and understanding of the world.
Because of my constant yearning to tell stories, I also found my love of performing and creating music. I started singing by the age of 12, and later on learned to play instruments like the guitar, the piano, and the ukulele. Since then, I treated music as my universal language to connect to people. Even at school, I still see and use music as a vital tool not only to learn a different language, but also to connect to my students.
Finally, in correlation with these passions of mine, I decided to study a degree in the university that would cater all of them which is Broadcast Communication. Through this, I was also able to discover my love for the media and communication. Through my course, I was able to create films, produce documentaries, practice my public speaking skills, and interview people from all walks of life. All of these really strengthened my desire of broadening my worldview and share not just my own stories this time, but also the wonderful stories of my culture and my country.
For all of these reasons, I decided to take one of the biggest decisions of my life and fly in a country that is 7,363 miles away from home and be a language assistant. Not to sugarcoat for the sake of this blog, but I genuinely believe that this is one of the most fulfilling things that I´ve done in my life. Being a language assistant served as an avenue for me to discover new abilities and passions that I never thought I have which is sharing my knowledge and creativity to kids and being passionate about teaching. It also opened doors for me to learn more about Spain and Galicia, and appreciate the uniqueness of every culture. And most importantly, my favorite thing of being an auxiliar is that it allowed me to share more about my country, the Philippines, and its beauty. I'm very happy to have chosen this path, and surely, it will be a special memory that will be engraved in my heart forever.