Unha das últimas lecturas en infantil e 1º de Primaria foi "A Shark in the Park" de Nick Sharratt. Este divertido libro consigue captar a atencion d@s máis cativ@s polo seu humor, rimas e as ilustracións.
Tras a lectura realizáronse diferentes actividades, entre elas a creación deste libriño que resume o máis importante do conto.
One of the latest stories we read to Kindergarten and 1st Primary students was "A Shark in the Park" by Nick Sharratt. This entertaining book is able to gain students' attention because of its humor, rhymes and lovely illustrations.
Students did some after-reading activities,one of them was this mini book which includes the most relevants parts of the story.
Premer na foto de Erin para ver o vídeo.