sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2021


 Esta semana Erin leu varias historias relacionadas co día de Acción de gracias, momento no que recordamos o importante que é estar agradecido polo que temos e somos.

Concretamente no curso de 3º o libro é : The Thankful Book , gozamos moito con esta lectura.

Grazas Erin! 

This week Erin has been reading different stories related to Thanskgiving Day, when we realize the importance of being grateful for what we have and for what we are.

The book she read in 3rd Grade was : The Thankful Book and we really enjoyed it!

Thank you Erin 💜



Click on the image to enjoy the story

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2021


 Ser agradecido é esencial para apreciar e gozar da vida! Aproveitando que esta semana celébrase a festividade de Thanksgiving e a nosa auxiliar de conversa, Erin, é americana animámonos a recordar nestas fermosas folliñas aquilo polo que estamos agradecid@s.😊

Being grateful is essential in life! And now that Thanksgiving day is coming we want to celebrate it with our American language assistant, Erin, by writing something we are thankful for on these beautiful leaves.



lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021


Coincidindo coa celebración de Halloween aproveitamos para traballar coa obra do artista noruego Edvard Munch. Deste xeito traballamos características do expresionismo e ao mesmo tempo o alumnado aprende vocabulario relacionado coas emocións.

Now that is Halloween time, we are working with the famous painting The Scream by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. Students have been learning about expressionism and also practicing vocabulary related to emotions.

You can see the process of the students' work in this presentation. Click on the image.



Xa chegou Halloween e coma sempre celebrámolo dun xeito arrepiante!💀 

Premer na imaxe para vez a presentación. 👽👻

Halloween is here and we've celebrated it in a spooky way!

Click on the image to see the presentation💀🎃


Neste vídeo o alumnado de 6 º descríbenos este colexio encantado, cheo de lugares e criaturas terroríficas.

Grazas a nosa auxiliar Erin por esta historia tan arrepiante!💀

In this video the students from 6th grade tell us about a "haunted school" full of spooky creatures and scary places.

Thanks to our language assistant Erin for this story!👻