domingo, 20 de junio de 2021


 Queremos rematar este ano escolar 2020-2021 convidándovos a que fagades unha pequena viaxe connosco  a través de actuacións realizadas por todo o alumnado do centro nas distintas clases de Inglés onde repasamos contidos vistos ao longo do curso. 

Deste xeito, camiñaremos pola selva, gozaremos do arco da vella, iremos de picnic, de desfile de moda… Tamén coñeceremos a un grupiño de cobaias, á ratiña presumida e aos membros dun barrio chamado Outeiro para xa finalmente despedirnos ata o vindeiro curso agardando que pronto todo volva a normalidade.

Feliz verán a tod@s!😍


We would like to finish this school year, 2020-2021, by taking you all through a journey with some performances made by all the students in the English class. You will have the opportunity to walk in the jungle, meet different animals, see the colors of the rainbow, go on a picnic and be in a fashion show…!

You will also meet some guinea pigs and her friends, Pretty Ritty and members of a neighbourhood called Outeiro.

To finish, we will say goodbye until September, hoping that everything will go back to normal.

Happy summer to everyone!

Let's start with 2nd graders, who sing and dance the song : "Travel with us" (Dani Griffin) 

And the journey starts with animals with the song danced by 3 year-old students: "Yes, I can" and "Walking in the jungle" by five year-olds.🐒🐸🐯


Now it's time to enjoy the Rainbow color song with 4 year old students,🌈

Do you like guinea pigs? Meet  Fluffy, this cute guinea pig and his friends.( 1st grade A)🐹

Are you hungry? Let's go on a picnic with 1st grade B 🍗🍪🍰

Enjoy the nice story of Pretty Ritty 🐭with 3rd grade A

Let's go to a new neighbourhood where you can find Outeiro Street. You will discover an amazing community ( 3rd grade B)👮

Do you like fashion? We invite you to a fashion show with 4th graders


Are you still hungry? You should go to Marcos' restaurant and enjoy its delicious meals (6th grade)

Time to go on vacation and relax ...(5th graders)

                                        Congrats to all the students! 👏👏